If you’re ready to prioritize your well being without…


Neglecting your own needs


Putting yourself last on the priority list


Feeling guilty when you finally take time for yourself


Overworking and neglecting rest and relaxation


Ignoring the signs of stress and burnout

then we have the answer for you

I’m proud of me because I showed up for myself everyday this week… not for my kids, not for my family, but me. I took care of me, for me because I wanted to.

We’ve helped over 100+ women just like you ditch the overwhelm, embrace self-love like never before, and step into their power with our 14 Day Self Care Series.

If you’ve been doing self-care and feel like something’s missing, you’re not alone . Cliche ideas, like a DIY facial might sound nice, but let’s be real—it’s not a magic fix for life’s everyday stresses.

Women need more than surface-level, temporary feel-good activities. We need self-care practices that go beyond the surface and helps us truly love ourselves for who we are.

And that’s where we come in.

We’re going to show you how to build your self-worth and put yourself first without the guilt.



14 Day Self Care Series

The only self care challenge seamlessly integrates into your routine and makes taking care of yourself feel like second nature.

Daily Emails

Intentional Self Care Activities

Love Notes

Exclusive Community

Journal Prompts



14 Intentional Activities

Each day, you’ll unlock a new self care activity to help you reconnect with yourself and find joy in the little moments.These tasks are designed to be practical and easy to integrate into your daily routine helping you create a sustainable self care routine.

Bonus Activities & Worksheets

We’ll send you a daily dose of inspiration and encouragement to keep you motivated on your self-care journey. This is most of our students favorite part of the series.

Members Only Community

After the series, you’ll find it easy to love yourself and continue on your self care journey. You’ll awaken each day with a renewed sense of purpose and self-appreciation, knowing that you are worthy of love and care. Imagine feeling more centered, confident, and radiant in just two weeks.

This series was created to help women exactly like you

Love letters from our members

I’m good. Everything is going well for me.

This is making me realize that I can take time for myself without having an explanation. I kind of feel like I’m falling in love with myself slowly.

I actually did enjoy this series. I learned a lot about myself that’s for sure. At the start of this series I was scared because I never seem to find time for myself. I honestly had it in my head that this would not work for me. I would always put my wants and needs last. I’ve always struggled with that.

Doing these activities made me realize how important I value myself truly. I’m grateful to have been apart of this as well. I wish it was for a month because it really did help me. I do go back in the emails and look at them to continue and help me thrive. If you ever decide to do it longer, I will definitely participate!

So far so good. I have found time to do each day! My burn days I don’t make time for self, but doing this journey have allowed me to stop to focus on self!

I love it! You have helped me reconnect with myself with the smallest things. What got me the most was [REDACTED] I’ve always said I would do it but never came around to doing so. Thank you for reminding me that I come first no matter what.

Hi Destiny! So far I love all aspects of this series. I love how each day, you give us something different to do to step outside of our comfort zone with different activities. I look forward to each day and the activities. I am so glad to have joined the journey

I really loved this series. I liked that it was small actionable steps that I could do everyday.

Nothing to time consuming like an hour long at home facial! l love stuff like that but it’s hard to fit in the schedule now so something small that makes me smile and feel good about my self was awesome. And something I could do again and again.

I’m proud of me because everyday this week I showed up for me… not for my family, not for my kids, not for my business but me. I took care of me, for me because I wanted to.

The series was great overall. I loved that I took time for myself and not be so caught up being just a mother or girlfriend. I took time for me. I enjoyed it, I was able to breathe and relax my mind for a bit. It was amazing!!!


When you join The 14 Day Self Care Series, you’ll receive resources to help you turn self-care into your favorite part of the day, follow through and finish the seires, and stay committed to yourself care journey afterwards.

Daily Activity Checklist

When you join the 14 Day Self Care Series, you don’t have to worry about falling off. Stay organized and on track with our Daily Activity Checklist.

It’s like having a friendly guide by your side, reminding you to take time for yourself and make self-care a daily priority.

Members-Only Community

When you join the 14 Day Self Care Series you’re not alone anymore. Join a community of like-minded women who are on the same path. Share your experiences, get support, and connect with a network of individuals who understand the importance of self-care.

Self Care Vault

Gain exclusive access to our Self-Care Vault, a treasure trove of starter resources curated to support your self-care journey.


Q. How does the course work?

A. The course is delivered via email, with one task and inspirational message sent to you each day for 14 days.

Q: How much time do I need to spend on the activites? I’m pretty busy and things like this don’t normally work for me.

A: No, this works for the everyday woman who is ready to make time for herself without feeling guilty. No matter if you have kids, are in school, working a full-time job, or taking care of a loved one… this is for you.

Q: I am new on my self love journey and I’m just getting started. Will this still work for me?

A: Absolutely! The program is designed for women at all self-care levels, whether you’re new to it or looking to deepen your practice.

Q: How much support is included?

A: There is a 24h written support included which means that you will get all your questions answered within our members-only support group within 1 day.

Q: What happens if I get behind?

A: No worries. You can catch up on any missed tasks at your own pace.

However, this program is designed to help you stay on track with easy to do activities, two accountability checklists, and an exclusive group community to support you and keep you inspired.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our inner circle group within 24 hours.

Are you ready to reconnect with yourself and give yourself the care you deserve?