Page Links

The page links provided are skeleton pages that will be updated as contributors’ information is submitted.

If you find anything to be wrong with something on any of the pages, please report a problem.


The waitlist should be promoted during the week of July 8- 12, 2024.

If you would like to participate as an affiliate, run this link through the affiliate generator and update it within your emails.


The registration page will be open from July 15 – July 19, 2024 for sign up. I am taking into other time zones and will open and close this page accordingly.

If you are participating as an affiliate, run this link through the affiliate generator and update it within your emails. It is best to update both links because someone may not have signed up for the waitlist and may not have your cookie.


The gift page link should NEVER be given out directly. The link has been provided so you can follow the progress of the page and test your product link.

The gift page will remain available until August 11, 2024. This means your offer should be available until August 11, 2024.