Waitlist Email

The waitlist email is a mandatory email that must be sent the week of July 8 – July 12, 2024.

This will help build anticiapation for the Self Care Summer Bundle and motivate more people to join.

Below you will find an email that can be used to promote the waitlist, and if you send any additional emails that week, you can include the P.S. in any other emails.

Feel free to edit it and personalize to make it your own.


P.S. Me and my friends are giving away over 50 self care products all for free and it’s happening next week! Join the waitlist here to be the first to know about it.

SUBJECT: Letting you in on a little secret


I’ve been keeping a secret and I thought, if there was anyone I could tell about this, it would be you [ SUBSCRIBERS NAME ]. I’ve been working on something really special behind the scenes, and it’s almost ready to launch.

Now it’s not available just yet but I wouldn’t want you to miss it! 

What kind of friend would I be if I let that happen? 

So I’m telling you the secret before I tell anyone else…

Ok. Are you ready?

I’m being featured in the Self Care Summer Bundle! 🎉

It’s a collection of self care and personal growth resources to help you . 

I’ve seen some of the products that will be featured in the bundle and I know this bundle is probably gonna make a big difference in your life.

And the best part? 

It’s completely free!

But it’s only available for a limited time, July 15, July 19, 2024.

Join the waitlist now by clicking here, and you’ll be the first to hear about it when it goes live!

Thanks for being a part of this journey with me. I’m so excited for you to celebrate this with me!